Adobe GIL and <windows.h>
I've been playing with Adobe GIL, following it's inclusion into Boost, and I've been getting some fun compile errors in relation to <windows.h>
. Note that, even if you aren't including <windows.h>
, some of the boost headers do.
Here lies: What not to do, so you don't waste hours on it like I did.
int main() { ::gil::rgb8_image_t a; ::gil::jpeg_read_and_convert_image("a", a); }
Compiled with Visual Studio 2005 SP1, Boost 1.33.1 and JPEG 6b (27-Mar-1998):
cl /EHsc jpegio.cpp /I c:\sdk\libs /I c:\boost\include\boost-1_33_1
First attempt, <windows.h>
#include <windows.h> #include <gil/core/gil_all.hpp> #include <gil/extension/io/jpeg_dynamic_io.hpp>
jpegio.cpp c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\channel.hpp(90) : warning C4003: not enough actual paramete rs for macro 'min' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\channel.hpp(92) : warning C4003: not enough actual paramete rs for macro 'max' c:\sdk\libs\jmorecfg.h(161) : error C2371: 'INT32' : redefinition; different bas ic types C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\include\basetsd.h(62) : see declaration of 'INT32' c:\sdk\libs\jmorecfg.h(215) : warning C4005: 'FAR' : macro redefinition C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\include\windef.h(145) : see previous definition of 'FAR'
Second attempt, other way around, Error:
jpegio.cpp C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\include\basetsd.h(62): error C2371: 'INT32' : redefinition; different basic types c:\sdk\libs\jmorecfg.h(161) : see declaration of 'INT32'
Third attempt:
#include <windows.h> #include <gil/core/gil_all.hpp> #define XMD_H #include <gil/extension/io/jpeg_dynamic_io.hpp> #undef XMD_H
This should, in theory improve matters, as XMD_H being #defined stops <jmorecfg.h>
trying to redeclare INT32.
Oh no.
jpegio.cpp c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\channel.hpp(90) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'min' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\channel.hpp(92) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'max' c:\sdk\libs\jmorecfg.h(215) : warning C4005: 'FAR' : macro redefinition C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\include\windef.h(145) : see previous definition of 'FAR' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(148) : error C2589: '(' : illegal token on right side of '::' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(221) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void gil::color_converter_default_impl<lt;T1,C1,T2,C2>::operator ()<lt;SrcP,DstP>(const P1 &,P2 &) const' being compiled with [ T1=SrcChannel, C1=SrcColorSpace, T2=DstChannel, C2=DstColorSpace, SrcP=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::cmyk_t>, DstP=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::rgb_t>, P1=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::cmyk_t>, P2=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::rgb_t> ] c:\sdk\libs\gil\extension\dynamic_image\../../core/image_view_factory.hpp(71) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void gil::default_color_converter::operator ()<lt;gil::pixel<lt;T,C>,gil::pixel<lt;T,gil::rgb_t>>(const SrcP &,DstP &) const' being compiled with [ T=gil::bits8, C=gil::cmyk_t, SrcP=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::cmyk_t>, DstP=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::rgb_t> ] c:\sdk\libs\gil\extension\dynamic_image\../../core/image_view_factory.hpp(69) : while compiling class template member function 'gil::pixel<lt;T,C> gil::color_convert_deref_fn<lt;SrcConstRefP,DstP,CC>::operator ()(gil::pixel<lt;T,gil::cmyk_t> &) const' with [ T=gil::bits8, C=gil::rgb_t, SrcConstRefP=gil::cmyk8_ref_t, DstP=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::rgb_t>, CC=gil::default_color_converter ] c:\sdk\libs\gil\extension\io\jpeg_io_private.hpp(166) : see reference to class template instantiation 'gil::color_convert_deref_fn<lt;SrcConstRefP,DstP,CC>' being compiled with [ SrcConstRefP=gil::cmyk8_ref_t, DstP=gil::pixel<lt;gil::bits8,gil::rgb_t>, CC=gil::default_color_converter ] c:\sdk\libs\gil\extension\io\jpeg_io_private.hpp(178) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void gil::detail::jpeg_reader_color_convert<lt;CC>::apply<lt;V2>(const View &)' being compiled with [ CC=gil::default_color_converter, V2=gil::rgb8_view_t, View=gil::rgb8_view_t ] c:\sdk\libs\gil\extension\io\jpeg_io.hpp(147) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void gil::detail::jpeg_reader_color_convert<lt;CC>::read_image<lt;Image>(Image &)' being compiled with [ CC=gil::default_color_converter, Image=gil::rgb8_image_t ] jpegio.cpp(12) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void gil::jpeg_read_and_convert_image<lt;gil::rgb8_image_t>(const char *,Image &)' being compiled with [ Image=gil::rgb8_image_t ] c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(148) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '::' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(148) : error C2780: 'T gil::channel_invert(T)' : expects 1 arguments - 0 provided c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\channel.hpp(235) : see declaration of 'gil::channel_invert' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(148) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(149) : error C2589: '(' : illegal token on right side of '::' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(149) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '::' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(149) : error C2780: 'T gil::channel_invert(T)' : expects 1 arguments - 0 provided c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\channel.hpp(235) : see declaration of 'gil::channel_invert' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(149) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(150) : error C2589: '(' : illegal token on right side of '::' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(150) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '::' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(150) : error C2780: 'T gil::channel_invert(T)' : expects 1 arguments - 0 provided c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\channel.hpp(235) : see declaration of 'gil::channel_invert' c:\sdk\libs\gil\core\color_convert.hpp(150) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
Fourth attempt, the "right" way:
#include <gil/core/gil_all.hpp> #define XMD_H #include <gil/extension/io/jpeg_dynamic_io.hpp> #undef XMD_H #include <windows.h>
This works as intended.
Assuming that we're not going to get the JPEG code patched, the INT32 definition from <windows.h>
comes from <basetsd.h>
, which declares the BASETSD
_H header-guard macro.. it'd be nice if GIL issued an explanation of what was going to go horribly wrong, instead of that lovely template error in test three?