
Everyday Shell

A couple of people mocked my use of shell in my last post, so I thought I'd write up a couple of problems I solved this week, to allow me to laugh at the solutions in the future, and, more importantly, for you to laugh at them now.

White-space has been inserted into the examples for bloggability, but all these are what I actually wrote, as one-liners.

Downloading matching files

I've got the http:// URL of an indexed directory, which contains a load of large files. I want to download all the files with -perl and .html in their names.

First thought: wget probably has a flag for this:

wget -np --mirror --accept='*-perl*.html' https://example.com/foo/

This actually produces the right output, but... it downloads all the files, then deletes the ones that it doesn't want to keep. My guess is that it's sucking links out of the intermediate files. Maybe this could be fixed by limiting the recursion depth, instead of using mirror? This isn't what I did, however:

curl https://example.com/foo/ | \
   cut -d'"' -f 8 | \
   fgrep -- -perl | \
   sed 's,^,https://example.com/foo/,' | \
   wget -i-

Yep, that works. Very unix-y solution, every tool only doing one thing. Breaks horribly if the input is wrong. Fast, as it only looks at files it needs, and wget manages a connection pool for you (whereas for u in $urls; wget $u wouldn't).

Line counts in a git repository

I've got a checkout of a git repository, and I want to know roughly how many lines of production code there are in it. It's a Java codebase, so most production code is in */src/main or client/src.

find -maxdepth 3 -name main -o -name client | xargs sloccount

Why didn't I use -exec here? Probably paranoid of -exec with -o. Correct solution:

find -maxdepth 3 \( -name main -o -name client \) -exec sloccount {} +

Two massive problems, anyway:

  1. There's a load of generated or downloaded code in those directories; build output, downloaded modules, ...
  2. sloccount really hates taking multiple directories as input, especially when they have the same (base)name, and just ignores some of them.

Next up, let's use git ls-files to skip ignored files:

git ls-files | egrep 'src/main|client/src' | xargs cat | wc -l

Barfs as there's white-space in the file names, which I wasn't expecting. Could probably work around it with some:

... | while read line; do cat $line; done | wc -l

...but we may as well fix the real problem. git ls-files has -z for null-terminated output, and xargs has -0 for null-terminated input. grep has -Z for null-terminated output... but I couldn't find anything that would make it take null-terminated entries as input. Sigh.

Wait, it's git. We can just clone the repo. (cdtcds to a new temporary directory)

cdt; git clone ~/code/repo .

...then we can use find again:

find \( \
        -name \*.java -iwholename '*src/main*' \
    -o \
        -name \*.js -iwholename '*client*' \
\) -exec cat {} + | \
grep -v '^$' | \
egrep -v '^[ \t]*//' | \
wc -l

Close enough to the expected numbers! Now, let's backfill graphite:

(for rev in $(g rev-list --all | sed '1~50p'); do
    g co -q $rev
    echo code.production $(!!) $(g show --format=%at | head -n1)
) | grep -v ' 0 ' | nc localhost 2444


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