More Java Enum fun.
I'd have thought that it'd be reasonably reasonable to expect the following code to compile:
enum Compass { North(West), East(North), South(East), West(South);private final Compass clockwise_of; Compass(Compass clockwise_of) { this.clockwise_of = clockwise_of; }
It doesn't; "West" is used before it's declared.
So, how about this?
enum Compass2 { North(new Object() { Compass2 ref() { return West; } }.ref()), East(North), South(East), West(South); private final Compass2 clockwise_of; Compass2(Compass2 clockwise_of) { this.clockwise_of = clockwise_of; } }
That's fine. Thanks, Java Language Spec!
Now, if only I didn't need four parameters to the constructor...