Rebuilding Debian with Java 9
It's about three months until Java 9 is supposed to be released. Debian contains around 1,200 packages that build against Java 8. I have been trying to build them with Java 9.
It's not been going well.
The first attempt found an 87% failure rate, the majority of which were either:
- toolchain issues (which are for Debian to fix) (e.g. maven/guice needing new cglib).
being old, unsupported values.
This is too bad to get an idea of what's actually broken, so I gave up.
The second attempt has gone better, only 57% failures. This had a number of issues fixed, but there's still a large number of problems masked by toolchain failures.
However, some real Java 9 breakages are coming to the fore!
- 90 packages are hitting module-based accessibility rules,
although maybe many of these are bugs in
. These are the kind of bug that it may be hard to fix in your own software, so it's slightly worrying to see so many of them. - 15 packages are using underscore or enum as a keyword, which hopefully should be easy to fix everywhere.
- 9 packages have new compile failures around casting, which may be compiler improvements, or bugs. Exciting!
Oh, and 135 packages have an unknown problem, so maybe there's a whole other class of bug I've missed.
This is (obviously) an ongoing project, but I thought I'd write up what I'd seen so far.
Also, I wanted to mention how cool it was to hack up a dashboard for your ghetto make/Docker build process in ghetto shell, although slightly less ghetto than the previous shell.
Every 2.0s: ./
ascii cast deps doclint javadoc keyword modules unknown version
47 total 9 total 203 total 82 total 165 total 15 total 83 total 114 total 206 total
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antelope charactermanaj access-*hecker android*-tools access-*hecker avalon-*mework activem*otobuf adql 389-adm*onsole
axis dom4j activem*tiveio antlr4 akuma axis android*ork-23 aspectj 389-ds-console
azureus electric activemq args4j animal-sniffer biojava-live android*dalvik aspectj*plugin airport-utils
clirr findbugs activem*otobuf bindex annotat*ndexer bnd android*oclava bouncycastle android*-tools
cmdreader jajuk afterburner.fx cdi-api antlr3 dbus-java android*silver bsh antlr
cortado jsymphonic akuma classycle apache-log4j2 jalview android*inding closure*mpiler artemis
cronometer libjaud*r-java animal-sniffer commons-math3 apache-mime4j javacc4 android*ibcore cofoja beansbinding
dita-ot olap4j annotat*ndexer ditaa async-h*client java-gnome android*ibrary commons-jcs bindex
eclipselink sweethome3d antlr3 felix-g*-shell axmlrpc jmol android*apksig convers*ruptor biojava-live
eclipse antlr4 fest-assert bcel jruby-openssl android*s-base davmail biomaj
entagged apache-log4j2 fest-reflect bridge-*jector libcomm*g-java android*ls-swt diffoscope brig
fop args4j fest-util bsaf libxml-*1-java android*helper dnsjava brltty
geronim*0-spec atinjec*jsr330 ganymed-ssh2 build-h*plugin libxpp2-java ant dumbster cadencii
imagej bcel gentlyw*-utils canl-java mvel apktool eclipse*nyedit castor
jasmin-sable bridge-*jector glassfish cglib squareness basex eclipse-cdt cdi-api
jas build-h*plugin hdf5 commons*nutils bintray*t-java eclipse*config ceph
jasypt carrots*h-hppc hessian commons*ration biojava4-live eclipse-eclox cobertura
javacc4 cglib intelli*ations commons-csv easybind eclipse-emf coco-java
javaparser checkstyle jacksum commons-io eclipse-mylyn eclipse-gef colorpicker
jets3t codenarc jcm commons*vaflow eclipse-wtp eclipse*clipse commons*client
jgromacs commons*nutils jfugue commons-jci eclipse-xsd eclipse*es-api concurr*t-dfsg
king commons*ration jmock commons-math freeplane eclipse-rse cvc3
knopfle*h-osgi commons-csv jnr-ffi cssparser gant eclipse*clipse db5.3
libcds-*t-java commons-io jpathwatch csvjdbc gradle-*plugin emma-coverage dbus-java
libcomm*g-java commons*vaflow jsurf-alggeo dirgra gradle gdcm dicomscope
libidw-java commons-jci jts dnssecjava gradle-*otobuf geronim*upport ditaa
libiscwt-java commons-math libcds-*c-java dokujclient gradle-*plugin gettext docbook*-saxon
libitext-java commons-parent libcomm*c-java doxia-s*etools graxxia gluegen2 doxia
libjdbm-java commons-vfs libcomm*4-java dtd-parser groovycsv gnome-split easyconf
libjt400-java core-ca*lojure libcomm*2-java easymock groovy h2database excalib*logger
libstax-java cssparser libhac-java felix-b*sitory gs-collections ha-jdbc excalib*logkit
libvldo*g-java data-xm*lojure libhtml*r-java felix-f*mework htsjdk hdrhistogram f2j
libxpp3-java dirgra libirclib-java felix-g*ommand ice-bui*gradle icu4j felix-osgi-obr
livetri*jsr223 dnssecjava libjaba*t-java felix-g*untime insubstantial icu4j-4.2 fontchooser
mathpiper dokujclient libjgoo*n-java felix-shell ivyplusplus icu4j-4.4 ganymed-ssh2
maven-a*helper doxia libjhla*s-java felix-s*ll-tui jabref icu4j-49 gentlyw*-utils
metastudent doxia-s*etools libjoda*e-java felix-utils jackson*tabind istack-commons geogebra
naga dtd-parser libjsonp-java geronim*0-spec jackson*-guava jakarta-jmeter gridengine
ognl easymock libjsr1*y-java geronim*1-spec java3d janino healpix-java